
Global Missions Fund and Local Ministries

The Global Missions Fund at BBC impacts a wide range of mission ministries. It is the main vehicle by which BBC gives to the Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Offerings. Through it the church sends quarterly gifts to Georgia Baptist initiatives, Mission Georgia, World Hunger and the GB Children's Home, as well as BBC’s local mission partners like the Habersham Baptist Association, Grace Gate, Habersham Christian Learning Center, and Victory Home. Through this fund we support Beyond Bethlehem and underwrite up to 50% of the cost of each person who participates in a BBC Mission Trip.
To give to the Global Missions Fund, indicate your gift on your giving envelope, on your check, or choose Global Missions from the dropdown menu in the BBCC App. If you have other questions, please contact the church office, or the BBC mission team leader, Keith Ivey.
BBC works with these and other local partners. Feel free to contact or visit them to see how you and your Life Group can serve with them!

Freedom Hill


Grace Gate


Habersham Christian Learning Center


Victory Home


Sharing and Caring


Upcoming Opportunity for Service

Support Victory Home

We invite you to bring toilet paper, paper towels, and detergent to our Thanksgiving dinner on November 17.  We will donate these items to Victory Home that night to support their ministry!