
No matter whether you're in college, single, married, retired, or anywhere in between, there's a place for you here at Bethlehem! From life groups to Bible studies, service opportunities to missions, we have numerous ways for you to get involved.  Below are few opportunities to check out this fall!

Bible Studies

Men's Dinners

Women's Events

Women's Study - Room 105
"Lord, I Want to Know You" by Kay Arthur
Led by Ashley Brinkman & Teri Baker

Co-Ed Study - Room 109
August: "A Most Excellent Love!  Studies from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8" - Led by Keith Ivey
September: "Is Our Church Healthy" - Led by Bob Williamson
October: Haggai - Led by Scott Doster
November & December: Topic to be announced - Led by Dr. Barry McCarty
Upcoming Dates:
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5

All men are invited to attend.  We meet each month in the Fellowship Hall at 6PM.  The cost is $15.  Be sure to register no later than the Monday prior to each First Thursday.  Click here to register.  Once there, select the current month's First Thursday.  Then, click "Register now."
Our women's ministry meets for three large events throughout the year as well as small groups.

Rejoice 2024 - November 25
Worship | Guest Speaker | Ornament Swap
Register now by clicking here.  Once there, select "Rejoice" then "Register now."

If you are interested in these events or in being part of a women's small group, contact